1 min read

Uncut Gems (2019) Review

Uncut Gems (2019) Review

"I think you are the most annoying person I have ever met."

The gambler, with apologies to Kenny Rogers, almost never actually knows when to when to walk away, and they only know when to run after they're already being chased. The people feeding on the gambler know this, and don't have to worry if he wins, as long as he doesn't win all the time, because he'll be back, ready to bet again, bigger than ever. When they have to start worrying is actually when he begins to lose and lose and lose.

Adam Sandler's character spends Gems constantly losing in ways big and small. His various creditors, not just those he actually owes money, but those closer to him, his family and coworkers who he owes mature explanations, or simply some relief from the stress surrounding him like PigPen's dirt cloud, express emotions ranging from annoyance to anger to murderous rage.

But he's captive to the rush, even as it implodes his life, and because the main character can't let up, neither can the directors or their story. Claustrophobic, noisy, and gripping the whole way through.